Hey! The web is not traslated to english. Well, it´s not traslated to any language.

But one day I will do it. To English probably.

In the meantime, here you can find some info about myself.

Always experimenting with 3D.

Always building digital projects/products. Not dreaming. Making.

I co-drive a company with a technology-driven mindset for the AEC sector,
Wise Build. I am bootstrapping some sideprojects.

If you want it, you can reach me at ignacio @ignaciodelacruz.com

Running Projects (last updated march 04, 2022)
Stand By Projects
Old Projects
  • WannaParty. The place to share party. Circular economy applied to night leisure
  • B2IM Studio. My first company where we did mainly BIM projects

If you want it, you can reach me at
ignacio @ignaciodelacruz.com